Good evening! This is Tim Jones, assistant principal at CHS. This message is for all remote learners at Coshocton High School. Just a reminder, for attendance purposes, Remote students must login to APEX and be making progress each day. If you are having a network problem, or are unable to login for another reason, please contact your remote teacher or call Coshocton High School.
Finally, Remote picture day for grades 7-12 only will be next Thursday, October 1st from 8-10 AM. Students are asked to enter through the lower GAC doors where they will have their temperature taken. Masks and social distancing will be required. 6th grade students will have their pictures taken at Coshocton Elementary School on a later date. We will send another reminder out about this next week. As always, if you have any questions please give us a call.
Have a great day!!
To clarify: Tonight's Little League Football sign up (5:45-6:45pm) is at the red shed by the football field/tennis courts at CHS not at Stewart Field. If you are interested and cannot make tonight's meeting please call Brody Phillabaum at (740) 575-5819
Any parent of a student in grades 3-6 interested in playing Little League Football can sign up tonight September 23rd at The red shed by the high school football field and tennis courts from 5:45 to 6:45 PM. Practice will start September 28th and will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00 at the high school practice field. All grades will be playing flag football only due to COVID restrictions. Games will be played on October 4th, 11th, and 18th at 1:00 PM at Stewart Field.
CES Picture Day is September 29th. Please see the attached flyer.
REMINDER: There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, September 21, 2020, due to a Teacher In-Service. Enjoy the nice fall weather! We look forward to seeing you Tuesday.
Good evening this is Tony Meiser your remote learning contact. I wanted to take a minute this evening to congratulate you and your child for completing the first day of Engenuity. I know today wasn't easy, but our students and teachers worked extremely hard on all their assignments. I want to especially thank the learning coaches that persevered through tech issues, sweat, and I am sure many tears to get their children through the day. I promise you it will get easier. Workbooks are on their way, please do not feel like you have to print off any materials. Again, congratulations, and as always do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Goodnight
The 2020 Tomahawk Yearbook has arrived. You can pick up your yearbook in the Main Office during normal high school hours. Extra books are available for purchase. The cost is $70. Please contact Amy Borton ( if you would like to purchase a yearbook from last year or if you have any questions.
Hello! This is Tony Meiser, CES Vice Principal and your remote learning contact with some AMAZING NEWS! Edgenuity has uploaded students to the system, and I have enrolled them into classes. Your teacher will be sending usernames and passwords to you and your student via email first thing tomorrow morning. It is important to note these will likely be different than what you received today. Some received account information, however this was only parent “observer” access and will not allow the user to submit assignments. This process was explained to us basically backwards, and I’m sorry for the confusion that may have caused for you. Again, please be on the lookout tomorrow morning for an email from your student’s teacher (to both your guardian email address AND your student’s Coshocton City Schools email) with their login information. Once again, thank you for your patience during this time as we forge into new territory and make every effort to assure your child has access to high quality curriculum and assignments. #CoshoctonPride
Good Evening, This is Tony Meiser assistant principal and your Remote Learning contact. I would like to begin by thanking you all for your patience as we begin this remote learning journey.
While all student information has been sent to Edgenuity for processing, we are still currently awaiting usernames and passwords to access their accounts. When they become available, they will be sent directly to the parent or guardian email address that you provided when you completed your online survey and chose remote learning. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not anticipate receiving them before Monday morning as previously planned. Although frustrating, we consider this a minor set back in the grand scheme of things and will be using this time to work on developing relationships with teachers and classmates by providing zoom meetings. Look for a zoom meeting link on Monday from your child's assigned teacher if you haven't been notified about one already. As always, I am available to answer any of your questions. Please feel free to call me at 740-622-5514 or email me at
Hello, this is Dave Hire, Superintendent of the Coshocton City Schools, with an important announcement for all high school parents.
As required by the Ohio Department of Health Director’s Order from September 3rd, I am calling to notify you that a student or staff member associated with Coshocton High School has tested positive for COVID-19. Coshocton High School will remain open at this time. We are working closely with the City Health Department and anyone identified as a close contact will be notified by the health department as a part of a COVID-19 investigation.
A letter has been posted on our school website at On the home page you will find a COVID-19 Information tab or button directly below the banner at the top of the page. After you click on the button, you will see a folder called COVID-19 Parent Notification Letters. Click on this folder to access the full letter.
Thank you for your attention to this notification. We will continue to monitor all health situations and communicate additional information if possible.
Hello, this is Dave Hire, Superintendent of the Coshocton City Schools, with an important announcement for all parents of students who ride the bus.
Our original intent with all bus riders was to keep one student to each seat, unless students were from the same household. Our busing numbers have been increasing as more students are needing transportation and we will be making a change to our seating requirements. We are able to utilize 22 of the seats on each bus and we have a few buses that will need to have more than one student in a seat. Some buses still have only one student per seat, while other buses may need to have two students per seat. We have been in consultation with the city health department and we are able to have two students per seat if necessary. Students will still be expected to wear face masks at all times on the bus, and we will continue to keep our bus routes as short as possible to minimize the time on the bus. Every effort will be made to keep families together, followed by students in the same classes, followed by neighborhood locations, so that students are near other students that they may already play with or who are from the same group bus stops We will continue to disinfect our buses between each run with different students.
Thank you for your patience and understanding with this change. We will have to be flexible to continue to provide needed transportation for our students.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer Andrews at the bus garage.
Good afternoon. This is Tim Jones, assistant principal at Coshocton High School. This message is for remote APEX learners grades 6-12.
Tomorrow, September 10th, at 10AM, we will have an APEX student orientation via ZOOM. We will cover information contained in our orientation video, as well as some other helpful hints with APEX! We will record and post this, and all other Zoom meetings.
At the conclusion of this message you will receive a ZOOM link. Your student will also receive a link via their Google classroom. As always, please contact us with any questions.
Tim Jones is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Sep 10, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 980 7302 2081
Passcode: 238753
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If you didn't make it to tonight's CES Online Learning Academy parent meeting, don't worry you have another chance. Follow the link below to attend Wednesday morning at 10:00am
Follow the link to attend the CES Online Academy parent meeting tonight at 6:00.
Good afternoon, this is Tim Jones, assistant principal at Coshocton High School. This message is for remote APEX learners grades 6-12.
Everyone should have received an email asking you to accept a request to join our Remote Learner Google Classroom. If you have forgotten your Coshocton City Schools password, please contact the CHS office and we will work with you to reset it.
Grades 7-12 have at least one course loaded in your APEX account. 6th grade students, we have encountered technical problems in terms of linking the elementary to the high school. Our tech staff is working on this and should have problem solved by end of the day. All remote learners grades 6-12 should be ready to begin tomorrow, September 9. The expectation is remote learning grades 6-12 will begin tomorrow. I personally apologize for this inconvenience.
Finally, CHS remote learners will be receiving information regarding a Zoom orientation for Thursday, September 10. Times will be communicated to you. You will also be receiving an email from your remote teacher of record.
Once again, if you have any questions, please contact me, Tim Jones at 622-9433. I appreciate your patience and have a great day.
Good morning, this is Tony Meiser, Asst. Principal at CES and your remote learning contact with a very important message for parents and guardians of remote learners.
I just want to reemphasize that we are not going to be starting with our K-5 Edgenuity platform today. For the next couple of days, students will be contacted by their teachers to do various activities to prepare for the year. Part of what they will be doing is verifying the contact information and student email information with you, ensuring that you have the appropriate technology and getting to know your student. AGAIN, there will be no work on Edgenuity for students yet. You will receive a welcome email from the platform with your student’s username and password in the next few days. Once that happens, we will be giving you more direction and beginning with the platforms. This delay in beginning with the platform will give us the opportunity to be fully prepared to meet the needs of our students and get to know them before we get started. We appreciate your flexibility and patience as we are working with the companies to get everything up and running for our students.
Don’t forget to attend one of our informational meetings either tonight at 6:00pm or tomorrow at 10:00am. You will be getting a text message with the zoom link later this morning.
Thank you.
Hello this is Tony Meiser, Asst. Principal at CES and your remote learning contact with a very important message for parents and guardians of remote learners. We are excited to get started on the Edgenuity platform, but want to do a few things first to get everyone prepared for this new year.
We will be hosting informational meetings via ZOOM for our parents and students Tuesday and Wednesday. We are asking that you join us for one of the meetings. The first one will be Tuesday at 6:00pm and the second one will be on Wednesday at 10:00am. During these meetings, we will be explaining procedures for attendance, going over school supply lists, sharing recommendations for best practices for remote learning, introducing you to your child’s teacher and providing any additional updates we may receive by that time. We will put out another message with the zoom meeting link via phone and text within 24 hours of the live presentation.
We appreciate the patience and understanding you’ve shown as we work to navigate these uncharted waters together. As always, I am available to answer any of your questions with the most updated information I have available to me. Please feel free to call me at 740-622-5114 or email me at
Click the link below to view the CHS Welcome Back 2020 video!
Click the link below to view the 7th Grade Orientation Video:
9.3.2020 Message to Group A
Hello, this is Dave Skelton, Principal at Coshocton Elementary School with an important message for parents and staff about our first week of classes next week. School will be closed Monday to celebrate Labor Day. Classes will begin with only GROUP A students on Tuesday, Sept. 8, and only GROUP B students on Wednesday, Sept. 9. This beginning with smaller classes will enable our staff to work with students on specific procedures for safety, arrival and dismissal, breakfast and lunch, recess, etc. ALL STUDENTS should attend on Thursday, Sept. 10.
**For the rest of this message, please click the link below: