Mr. Kowalski

New Beginnings, Familiar Faces: A Year of Support and Evaluation

It is hard to believe we only have two weeks left in our first grading period. As the newness of
the 2023-2024 school year subsides, we are settling in our routines as we strive for academic
and extracurricular success. 
This is my first year back in the district in 19 years. I’m honored to have the opportunity to serve
as your superintendent and to help the district get closer to reaching its mission of “empowering
individuals to become literate, respectful, responsible, and independent life-long learners in an
ever-changing global society.”
Thank you to our staff, students, families, and community members for the warm welcome. I am
enjoying rekindling old relationships as well as forming new ones. This year will be a year of
listening and reflecting as I observe all of the great things going on in our district while also
making note of areas of opportunity. 
The local community activities I’ve recently attended have reminded me what a close-knit
community this is. One example is the Coshocton County Fair. We are one of only a handful of
districts in the state that cancel school for this important event, and it was great to see our
students pursuing their passions beyond the walls of the classroom. Also, I have been
impressed with our community support at our athletic events and continued good luck to those
teams as our fall sports seasons come to a close – finish strong!
Very soon, we will be rebooting our master planning process as we investigate options to
improve our district’s facilities now and in the future. I hope to see you at an upcoming event
and work with you to provide our students the opportunities for success in academics, arts, and
Mark Kowalski